The Lumisphere is a new kind of gathering space where people are asked:

What do YOU want the future to look like?

What kind of future do we want to move toward?

The Lumisphere, produced by Visions2030, is a spectacular, immersive 4,300 sq. ft. environment consisting of three interlocking domes. It combines visual storytelling, sound baths, and artificial intelligence to create an envisioning tool designed to spur actions toward better futures.

The Lumisphere has been launched specifically to unlock the power of our imaginations — to help people shed the anxiety, overwhelm, ennui, and tendency to shut down in the face of the many complex problems we are facing. As visitors, the Luminauts, pass through the first two domes, they are guided to imagine their own eco-futures. In the final dome, they are invited to render their visions through a custom AI platform and showcase their digitized dream worlds in a gallery.

The Lumisphere was created in collaboration with the internationally acclaimed design lab Minds Over Matter, formerly Obscura Digital, a pioneer in large-scale projection experiences.

At Visions2030, we are betting on the creativity and capacity of everyone to conceive a better, collective future for all. The Lumisphere is an experience designed to tap the reservoir of individual agency (ability to act and lead) and harness the momentum of hope generated through being inspired by solutions and our own creativity to imagine our way forward.

We are building a plan to take the Lumisphere on the road and we want to travel to locations throughout the country, inviting many more to become the Luminauts and experience a new, novel way to dream up wildly positive futures, envision new possibilities, and share those ideas with their communities and those who represent them.

Imagine the impact of thousands of people in your community sharing their vision for the future in an image! What might we learn from this form of creative expression about what we really want? Who might benefit from 'seeing' the cumulative impact of these visions of our ideal futures? What might we be able to distill?

Interested in bringing the Lumisphere to your community?

For Inquiries:

Elizabeth Thompson, Co-Director, Visions2030 at

Christopher Hayes at